How to fix a 10e fault code
For the Navien boiler error code 10e, you’re probably looking at an issue related to the air pressure. When the air pressure is too high, then the system shuts down to prevent any further damage being done to your boiler. There are several reasons why this might happen, including:
a damaged air pressure hose
clogged condensed water hose
faulty air pressure sensor
So, this is one of those issues that does need an engineer to come out. They’ll be able to work out precisely what might be causing the problem and suggest ways of getting it fixed.How to fix an 02e error code
The most common cause of this problem is low pressure in our heating system. Have a check of your Navien NCB combi boiler manual to determine what pressure your boiler should be to see if this might be causing the issue.
All Navien Boiler Error Codes
3 Ignition failure
004 False flame error
012 Flame loss
016 Overheated heat exchanger
030 Abnormal exhaust temperature
46 Overheated heat exchanger
047 Error on exhaust thermostat
060 An issue with the limit switch
109 Faulty Fan
110 Blockage in the exhaust
127 Faulty air pressure switch
205 The heating supply thermistor has short-circuited
218 The heating return thermistor has short-circuited
302 Low water pressure
352 High water pressure
353 Faulty water pressure sensor
407 Faulty hot water outlet thermistor
421 Faulty cold water inlet thermistor
480 Faulty hot water tank outlet thermistor
515 Problem with the relay feedback
517 Problem with the dual in-line package switch setting
594 Problem with the EEPROM
615 Problem with the input and memory
740 An Issue with the outdoor temperature sensor
782 An issue with the main panel communication
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Adjust the Heating & Hot Water of a Glow-worm Boiler - Ultracom2
How to Pressurise a Glow-worm Boiler - Energy
How to Pressurise an Glow-worm Boiler - Ultracom
How to Pressurise a Glow-worm Boiler - Flexicom
Status Codes - Accessing the status codes on Glow-worm boilers
Test Codes - Accessing the test codes on Glow-worm boilers
Diagnostics - Accessing the diagnostics codes on Glow-worm boilers
Fault Codes - Accessing the fault history on Glow-worm boilers
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